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If you are a mom like me, you probably hate messes and are constantly trying to find new toy storage and organization strategies. Follow along to learn creative ideas!

baby toy

Why Kids Need Organization

All kids need some sort of organization in their little lives. It is obvious that kids know how to make messes and create chaos because they are just being kids. Being organized is a learned behavior that we can start teaching young. Kids Health explains that kids should practice organization skills with three easy steps

  1. Getting organized
  2. Staying Focused
  3. Getting it done

These steps are great in teaching these skills to children. An example of how to use these steps is cleaning the playroom.

  1. First, your child needs to get organized by taking out their toy bins from the storage cube
  2. Your child will then need to stay very focused and not get distracted by the TV or their siblings
  3. Lastly, let’s get it done and start picking up the toys

these three easy steps can help to keep a playroom clean and organized. But before we clean the playroom, let’s learn how to organize toys better!


Toy Room Organization Strategies

Label organized playroom storage bins!

Having simple labels on your toy storage bins can help your child know exactly which bin to pull out to get what they want. This will prevent the ‘pull the cube out and dump it all over the floor’ idea that tends to occur a lot in my house. Since adding storage labels, he knows exactly where to go to find a toy and where to put it back into. 

Check out these customizable playroom storage labels you can get to add to your toy storage and organization strategies!

When decluttering, make the first pass alone

Or else you may have one mad kid! If my son saw me putting some of his toys in bins, he would all of a sudden NEED them! I would never be able to declutter and make room for other toys!

Maximize wall storage

I know I always forget about the walls and the use they can have for storage. The best thing to put on walls is books! It would clear up an entire cube on the storage shelf and it is easier to access. Anything my son can just grab, he is more interested in and I would prefer he picks up a book rather than a truck. Use these adorable wall storage shelves to help save space! 

Maximize the available closet space

Closets can provide you with more storage you did not know you had. Our house has rather small closets due to the old farmhouse vibes we have going on over here, so any closet storage tips I could come up with, I implemented. For both of my kid’s rooms, I bought a 2×4 cube shelf and stuck it into their closet the long way. I added bins and it gave me more storage I would not have had before. I also got hanging closet storage to store shoes, blankets, etc. 

Use unlidded bins when possible for organized playroom storage

I highly recommend storage cubes (either the 8 or 9-slot ones). This is how I organize my child’s toys! You put canvas storage cubes into the shelving making toys easy to put in and take out!


Yes! I know there is chalk on the walls, which is why I explain later why you should store your messy toys away!

Less is more

The worse thing you can do is start buying a few storage cube shelves and over clutter your child’s room while trying to organize it. Storage cubes and the canvas cubes that go in them can hold a lot of toys! Whatever does not fit, just store away and cycle your child’s toys! 

Declutter twice a year

I absolutely love going through my kid’s toys. It becomes really easy to store away old toys that you haven’t seen in months. When my son turned two, I stored away all of his Fischer Price baby toys and put them in the attic until my daughter was old enough to play with them. 

Make coloring utensils easy to transport

If you have a toddler you probably know that feeling you get when you hear the entire crayon container empty onto the floor! Trying to get all of those crayons perfectly back into the box is a chore in itself. I decided to get two cheap pencil cases off of Amazon and store my son’s crayons in one and markers in the other. Now, my son is able to just grab what he wants from the box and put it back without help. 

Extra Tips

Store Messy Toys out of reach

Playdoh, markers and crayons, paint, and kinetic sand are all amazing sensory toys but can lead to a big mess if they are not stored properly. Children are quick and before you know it, there is crayon on the wall. I am sure I am not alone in saying this. 

I store all of my kid’s messy toys on the top shelf of our closet where they cannot get to them. My son always knows he has to ask to play with them. 


Stay on top of the pick-up (involve your kid)

The best way to keep a room organized is to stay on top of the cleaning up and picking up! A great way to get this done is to involve your children in accomplishing this! Every time I used to ask my son to pick up his toys, it was like talking to a wall. He came home from daycare singing the clean-up song once and I realized I need to make it more fun. 

Having a reward system in place can also help get your child interested in doing chores and cleaning up their mess. 

messy room


Now Go Organize Your Child’s Toys

There you have it, a great list of Brilliant Toy Storage and Organization Strategies.

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