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I would love to share how I started my blog and how I got it up and running for less than $3/month!


As a mom of two little kids, I had been looking for a way to make extra income. It is a long way away, but college will be here before you know it. When I was researching ways to make extra income, blogging came up.



I thought I would never blog. I just didn’t imagine having the time to blog on top of being a wife, mom, and healthcare provider full-time.


After a lot of research and spending some hours each night reading eBook after eBook- I went for it!


It didn’t take too much convincing seeing as I was able to get started with the best web hosting company out there for only $2.95/mo!



How I Started My Blog With a Paid Host


This was the first question I had when I started blogging. I knew there were multiple free ways to start blogging such as the free version of WordPress or Blogger. Why pay then?


Before I made any decisions, I came across an eBook that seemed very easy to follow which was the very first eBook I purchased, printed, and read carefully! I’ll always remember Lin from Finsavvy Panda. Her eBook is the entire reason why I even got started in the first place!


Her eBook The Treasure Map To Blogging Success in 30 Days was the reason I was able to create my blog quickly and for so little money! It was easy to follow, organized by topic, and helped give me the confidence to start this new journey! I have read quite a few eBooks and followed countless eCourses over the last few months. I was so thankful to have stumbled across this eBook due to the simplicity of her explanation.


When I started blogging, I did not know what a lot of the different words used in blogging meant! I am still learning, too! She explains all of those different keywords that will help you successfully get your blog up and running!


If you have considered blogging for income, grab a copy of her eBook for yourself!


In her eBook, she explains why hosting with Bluehost made all of the difference. Here is what I learned:


You will have a “self-hosted blog”. What this means is that you own your blog and you get to write about whatever you wish. This is not the case with free blogs, and anything you post is not technically yours. Those companies can do what they wish with your creation.


With my Bluehost special link you can get started for ONLY $2.95/mo!

Another reason to go self-hosted is that it looks better to ad and affiliate companies when they go to accept you into their program!



Starting my blog with Bluehost also means AMAZING support for any issues you run into. I had one issue so far and they knew exactly what I needed to do to fix the problem. They handled everything over chat too! No long waits or being on hold. This was really important to me seeing as I often find myself blogging between diaper changes and getting snacks!



With that being said, if you have even thought about starting a blog, just know it only costs $2.95/month! If I can build a blog that only costs me that little to start, there was no reason just to just go for it!



How To Set Up Your Bluehost Account Today


Bluehost Basic Plan

Bluehost is how I started my blog and is recommended by many! This is important! Click on this Bluehost Link to get the special offer for $2.95/mo! I recommend the BASIC package if you are brand new at blogging like me! There is so much to learn that you only need the basic plan for now.

What Will Your Domain Name Be?

You will want a domain name that is simple and easy to remember. My domain is A Working Moms Life! It is easy, simple, and easy to remember. You also probably know exactly what I am passionate about right from my name alone! You can pick and choose whichever name you wish! What will you choose?

Enter Your Personal Information!

You will then create your account by entering your personal information such as your name and address.

Choose the 12-Month Package

Choose the Basic 12 Month Price to get the $2.95/mo price. You can also choose the 36-month plan if you wish and save 67% off Bluehost pricing. I chose the 12-month package seeing as I was brand new at blogging and this was all very new to me! This is also what Finsavvy Panda recommended. I built a lot of trust with her eBook The Treasure Map to Blogging Success in 30 Days, because she DID get me blogging success in 30 days!

You do not need the Package extras!


Enter Your Payment Information!

Pay, agree to terms, and submit!



How I Started My Blog With WordPress


Now that you have your Bluehost account you can move on to installing WordPress. If you follow the eBook The Treasure Map to Blogging Success in 30 Days to learn how to do this correctly! She will help you to start your blog and get it up and running successfully in 30 days too!



Now What?


Now that you have learned how I started my blog, you are on your way to a fun and creative blogging career. If you are like me, you have so many dreams for your blogging career. I don’t think I hesitated to get started with my blog as soon as I felt zero judgment from my husband.


I always blog about being a mom! Whether it be family budgeting, toddler meals, baby food, traveling with the babies, or gift ideas for them each holiday and season!


You can read more about these things by taking a look below:


I wish you a TON of luck getting started with your next blogging adventure and hope you find The Treasure Map to Blogging Success in 30 Days as helpful as I did! 








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