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You are about to give birth to a beautiful new baby. You may be thinking about everything you need to do in the coming weeks – registering for classes, selecting a childcare provider, and setting up your home with all of the essentials a newborn needs. Amidst all these preparations, there’s one that is often overlooked: breastfeeding. This guide will help you prepare for breastfeeding as a brand new mom!

best breastfeeding advice

Prepare for Breastfeeding as a New Mom

Are you about to become a new mom? Yay! You are about to experience one of the most amazing and wonderful journeys of your life.

One of the best things you can do to prepare for this journey is to educate yourself about breastfeeding. This guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to know about breastfeeding for the first time, from preparing your body for breastfeeding to establishing and maintaining a good milk supply.


Preparing to Breastfeed your Newborn Baby

One important thing to think about before your baby is born is how you are going to feed them. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide your baby with the nutrients they need, and it also has many other benefits for both you and your child.

1. Learn as much as you can about breastfeeding. There are many resources available online. Talk to other mothers who have breastfed their babies – they can be a great source of information and support.

Read more on different breastfeeding classes to help get you started on your learning journey.

2. Make sure you have all the supplies you need before your baby is born. This includes a good nursing bra, breast pads, and a comfortable place to sit or lie down when you are breastfeeding.

3. Get help from a lactation consultant if possible. They can teach you how to position and latch your baby onto the breast correctly, and give you advice on dealing with any problems that may arise.

breastfeeding positions

Best Breastfeeding Classes for the First-Time Mom

There are a lot of different breastfeeding classes available to first-time moms, and it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Here are a few of the best breastfeeding classes that can help you get started on your breastfeeding journey:

1. Milkology:

This is an amazing breastfeeding course that is taken online! They have courses on breastfeeding, pumping, going back to work, increasing milk supply, and how to exclusively pump. This is one of the best courses to take for breastfeeding as a first-time mom (or even if this isn’t your first time!).

2. The Breastfeeding Cafe:

This online class is perfect for busy moms who want to learn about breastfeeding in their own time. It covers everything from how to get started, to common problems and solutions. (https://www.babycafeusa.org/)

3. La Leche League:

This international organization offers local classes and support groups all over the world. They also have an extensive website with information on every aspect of breastfeeding.

4. Breastfeeding Basics:

This class is offered by many hospitals and is a great way to get started on your breastfeeding journey. It covers the basics of breastfeeding and also provides helpful information on pumping and storage.

Grab one of these courses to help you prepare for breastfeeding as a new mom!


How to Prepare Your Nipples for Breastfeeding

Your nipples play an important role in breastfeeding, so it’s important to take care of them before and during the breastfeeding process. Here are a few tips on how to prepare your nipples for breastfeeding:

how to position baby for breastfeeding


1. Wash your breasts and nipples with a mild, unscented soap. This will help to remove any bacteria or oils that could cause irritation.

2. Apply a lanolin-based nipple cream to your nipples. This will help to protect them from cracking and chafing.

3. Apply a breast shield to your nipple. This will help to keep your nipple from becoming sore or inflamed.

4. Make sure that your nursing bra fits properly. A well-fitting bra will support your breasts and help to prevent nipple pain.

5. Take a warm shower before breastfeeding. The warmth will help to relax your muscles and make it easier to latch on. If you need a quicker solution, try using a heating pad.

6. When you are finished with your breastfeeding session, hand express a small amount of breastmilk onto your nipple. Breastmilk can help heal any cracking or soreness you may be experiencing.


Related Articles: Best Baby Items for Feeding Baby


Items to Make Breastfeeding Easier

As a first-time mother, you may be feeling overwhelmed with all of the new information you need to know about breastfeeding. These are the items that will help make breastfeeding easier.

One of the most important things you need to do before you start breastfeeding is to make sure you have the right supplies. Here is a list of the best items to have on hand to make breastfeeding easier and more comfortable for both you and your baby:

1. A good nursing bra:

This will provide support for your breasts and help to keep them from becoming engorged or sore. Look for a bra that fits well and provides plenty of support. Most of them are the same so I would just look for bras that are on sale! (all about saving money!)


2. Breast pads:

These absorbent pads will help to keep your breasts dry and comfortable, especially during those early days when your milk supply is adjusting. I always used the Lansinoh brand. They never left my nipples irritated and always absorbed breast milk best.


3. Nipple cream:

I already mentioned this because it works. This can be a lifesaver if your nipples become sore or cracked from breastfeeding. Apply it after every feeding to soothe and protect your nipples.


4. A nursing pillow:

A nursing pillow helps to position your baby correctly for breastfeeding and takes some of the strain off of your arms and back. Perfect breastfeeding positioning also helps with creating that perfect latch. If you don’t have the perfect latch you run the risk of engorgement and damage to the nipples.


5. Breast ice/heat packs:

These packs helped me so much when my milk first let down. When your milk first lets down, you could be left with engorgement. Applying heat helps with adequate emptying of milk. Applying cold can help with swelling and pain.


Tips if breastfeeding is not successful

If your breastfeeding journey is not going as planned, don’t get down on yourself. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot and find success.

1. Check your latch

A poor latch is often the culprit of unsuccessful breastfeeding. Make sure your baby is latched on correctly by placing them close to your breast, with their nose in line with your nipple. Their mouth should be wide open, and their tongue should be down over your nipple.

If any of this sounds confusing, please reach out to a lactation consultant. They are absolute angels on Earth. They will help you persevere when you want to quit. The solution to your breastfeeding troubles may be a simple fix!

2. Try different positions

Like I mentioned early, finding the right position for you and your baby may help with breastfeeding success.

Check out this video on different breastfeeding positions:

3. Use a nipple shield

If your baby has trouble latching onto your nipple, a nipple shield can help. Nipple shields are thin, silicone discs that fit over your nipple and are available at most pharmacies. I used a nipple shield when I started both of my breastfeeding journeys.

4. Pump between feedings

If you’re not able to produce enough milk for your baby, supplementing with formula may be necessary. But if you’d like to continue breastfeeding, try pumping between feedings to increase your milk supply. You can use a formula called power pumping!


My Experience with Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has not been a positive journey for either of my babies. I talk openly about my breastfeeding and bottle feeding journeys in Why I Chose To Formula Feed My Second Child.

formula feed baby

What I can say is that both of my journeys may have been successful if I continued fighting for them. My emotional health was surely getting in the way of my success.

When breastfeeding was not working with my firstborn, I found myself in postpartum depression. I made the healthy decision for me to exclusively pump.

Related Articles: Why I Chose To Formula Feed My Second Child

With my second baby, she actually latched. It shocked me because my son would not successfully latch at all. Although she latched, she did not empty the breast effectively. I found myself exclusively pumping again.



If you are breastfeeding for the first time, there are a few things you should know. Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience for both you and your baby, but it can also be challenging at times. The most important thing is to be prepared and to have realistic expectations. This guide will hopefully provide you with the information and support you need to successfully breastfeed your baby.


Other Breastfeeding Resources:

Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers (Paperback) by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC and Teresa Pitman, RN, IBCLC

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (Paperback) by La Leche League International

The Nursing Mother’s Companion (Paperback) by Kathleen Huggins-Cooper and Jan Barger Cullinan, M.D.

The Breastfeeding Answer Book (Paperback) by Jack Newman, MD and Teresa Pitman, RN, IBCLC


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