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Hello mamas! I am here to help you guide your partner to some great ideas for Mother’s Day gifts! If your husbands or partners are anything like mine, you may have been asked twenty times “What do you want to do for Mother’s Day?”.

I appreciate my husband for asking what I wanted to do so early, it means he is thinking about it right?


But sometimes our husbands just need a little help finding the perfect gift to give.


If you are like me, I do not need a gift at all. I usually like going on “adventures” (as my 2-year-old likes to call them). I would actually prefer a day out doing something I enjoy.


In this Mother’s Day gift guide, there will be both gifts and mommy day ideas that you can share to the men in your lives.


Hopefully, this helps guide them so you can have the best Mother’s Day yet!



Mother’s Day Gift Ideas to Buy

Personalized Necklace

I know jewelry may sound cliché and maybe this would not be for you. On my first Mother’s Day, my 11-month-old son (aka my husband) gave me a beautiful necklace with his birthstone in it. His name was engraved in it, and I honestly LOVED it!

I felt like it was a gift that my husband truly thought of. There are so many “Best Mom” necklaces that are easy to just grab off the shelves, but they are not personalized to your mom-life.

My necklace is so beautiful, and I loved the personal touch!


Favorite Brand Purse

This is another gift that may not suit everyone. I actually rarely carry a purse because I have a diaper bag strapped to me when I go out. (I am sure you know that feeling!)

I would never deny a beautiful Kate Spade purse- **hint hint to my hubby**

A gift card to Your Favorite Places

I actually love getting gift cards. It is so much better than thoughtless gifts that will be put in a drawer, only to be seen again when we spring clean the following year. I have received gift cards for the nail salon, Board and Brush, my favorite stores (Target, Amazon), online boutiques, and facials/spa days.

This way you won’t feel pressured to do all the things you love so much in one day just because it’s Mother’s Day. Can always save it for another kid-free day (if those even exist).

Printed Family Portraits/Canvas

My husband gifted canvas prints and framed family photos as part of a gift before and I really love them! I remember thinking that I needed to print and frame our family photos for months, and my husband just did it for me.

Spa Day Basket

A fluffy and warm robe, fuzzy slippers, home facial masks, nail polish, and some chocolate!

Not sure it gets better than that!

New vacuum/mop

Ok, so I am sure I am getting an eye roll from someone here. As an adult, any new appliance, no matter how big or small, is a win!

My husband gifted me a Swiffer Wet Jet for Valentine’s Day before I became a mom, and I loved it. I still have that for quick pick-ups. I know we all need to pick up small messes as moms, so here is a great idea for that!


Mother’s Day Gifts to Not to Buy

Flowers only

I know I am not alone here. If you are going to get flowers, then it should be in addition to something else. This is coming from a woman who could not have cared less about her wedding flowers.

Apprently, according to Women’s Magazine– the ‘traditional’ gift for Mother’s Day is a single carnation! Don’t be traditional!

Art made by the kids

A handmade card by the kiddos- cute! But please put it with something else!

A day alone with the kids

I do not think I have to explain this one! If anything, moms need a minute to themselves! This is NOT a Mother’s Day gift 🙂


Mother’s Day Gift Ideas to Do

Spa Day

Send her to the spa! There are no negatives to a spa day I promise! Yes, it can be expensive so that is why I also gave the idea of a “spa day basket”. You can definitely save doing that if you want.


Even though I never get my nails done and do not find it that enjoyable. I know for sure, that this is not common! Almost everyone I know gets their nails done. It is probably the healthcare in me- my nails are meant to be dried out from hand sanitizer!



Day Out on the Town

I love a great day at a winery or at our local downtown area. This is something I could do with friends or with my husband, any day and anytime.

Most moms would do anything to have a day where the only responsibility is to have a fun day, so help her have that kind of day on Mother’s Day.

Day off to be alone

I remember on my first Mother’s Day, my son was 11 months old and I had darn Salmonella poisoning from Chinese food…. I have not had Chinese food since (no joke…)

Anyways, all I wanted was to be home. I felt terrible. My husband took over all of the baby responsibilities and let me Cricut all day. My day ended with my favorite dinner and a fire on the patio. This is what I needed on that day.  (Same Mother’s Day I got that beautiful personalized necklace from my boys!


Breakfast in Bed

This is something I did as a child and something my son would absolutely love to be a part of. He is always excited to “help”!


Mother’s Day Gratitude

I hope there is something here that you would absolutely enjoy for a Mother’s Day gift this year! I just want you to know you should never feel guilty for wanting to spend Mother’s Day by yourself. If you do not want to spend it alone, you can always spend it with your kiddos. This Mother’s Day I will most likely spend it with my babies and my husband. It is the season of life that I am in right now with my babies being young.


I wish you a very happy Mother’s Day and hope this helps all the men out there!






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