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Morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy can be very difficult to deal with. Learning how to manage pregnancy nausea and vomiting can help get you through those first weeks of pregnancy easier!

first trimester nausea and vomiting


What is morning sickness in the first trimester?

Morning sickness in the first trimester is exactly what it sounds like… sort of! They call it morning sickness, but many moms-to-be would call it all-day sickness. 


Seeing as more than half of pregnancies begin with some sort of morning sickness, I figured I should at least talk about what it actually is!


Morning sickness you experience in the first trimester is nausea and vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy. 


The sudden surge of Hcg, or the pregnancy hormone, can cause you to feel this way!


How long does morning sickness last?

In all honesty, it is possible to have nausea and vomiting throughout the pregnancy. Whether it is intermittent or constant, it is still a possibility. 

pregnancy nausea and vomiting

However, for most moms-to-be, their first-trimester nausea and vomiting resolve by the start of the second trimester! 




But if your morning sickness begins taking a toll on your body, you should either self-treat or call your OB-GYN!


Medical Treatments for morning sickness

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 for morning sickness has been studied and shown to be safe during pregnancy. It has also been shown to significantly improve first-trimester nausea. 


Vitamin B6 is a well-tolerated vitamin that you can purchase over-the-counter at any drug store or online.


Some side effects to be aware of are fatigue, headaches, and paresthesias (a.k.a. Pins and needles).



Unisom was actually created to help one sleep. When taken together with vitamin B6, this combination can be very effective in treating first-trimester nausea in pregnancy.  


From my personal experience, Unisom can make you feel very drowsy in the morning. I always felt very tired the morning after taking this but at least my nausea was under control. 



When you have tried all of the non-pharmacological and over-the-counter treatment options, you should absolutely call your OB-GYN. 


As a mom who has been pregnant twice and has experienced some pretty rough morning sickness AND as a GYN provider, do not torture yourself!


Reglan is one of those options that can significantly help you get through first-trimester nausea and vomiting. Reglan has been studied to be safe in pregnancy. 


My first trimester with my second child was a game changer after I started taking Reglan. I wish I had called for something with my first pregnancy, but just thought it was part of being pregnant. 


It wasn’t until I had a toddler who also needed me that I realized I needed help just to get off the bathroom floor. 


Don’t let that be you mama!


Natural Treatments for morning sickness

Essential Oils

I am not one of those crazy essential oil ladies, but when they come in handy I have no problem grabbing a bottle off the shelf! 

essential oils for nauseaessential oils for nauseaessential oils for nausea

Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, and Ginger are all beneficial essential oils for pregnancy and morning sickness. 


There are definitely many essential oils that are NOT safe during pregnancy so please do your research before using essential oils during pregnancy.


You can learn more about how other essential oils can help during pregnancy by checking out The Birth Hour



Ginger is certainly a strong flavor, and honestly, I am not a huge fan. Despite not being excited about the flavor of ginger, these UpSpring ginger lozenges were a lifesaver during my pregnancy with my daughter. 


They also make ginger tea that can help with morning sickness in the first trimester that you can buy at any grocery store.


Sour Candy

These Preggie Pop Drops were also helpful with nausea during both of my pregnancies. They are sour candies that take away nausea without leaving a bad taste in your mouth (**cough cough** ginger)! 


Sea Bands/Acupressure Treatment Bands

Funny story about these sea bands for nausea and vomiting (which wonders by the way). I went walking on the beach with a friend of mine, it was November. It was cold, we live in the North. 


I learned later that she found out I was pregnant because she caught a glimpse of my sea bands under my sweatshirt. Ha! Oh well!


Anyways, they help by putting gentle pressure on the correct acupressure point to relieve nausea. They are easy to put over your wrist and worth a shot if you aren’t ready for medications yet. 

morning sickness


I have never received acupuncture but research shows that getting acupuncture can help to relieve first-trimester nausea and vomiting. I would highly recommend asking your doctor before getting this done. 


Exercise/Fresh Air

The thought of exercising and even getting off the couch during the first trimester sounds terrible, I know! 


Working out releases counteractive hormones to nausea which is why so many moms-to-be find relief from their morning sickness nausea and vomiting by staying active. 


Eat Easily Digested Foods

The cravings during pregnancy can become so intense that you just need that pile of french fries or spicy Doritos. However, eating fatty, greasy, or spicy foods will only wreak havoc on your already struggling GI system. 


Eating bland foods that are easily digested like vegetables, whole grains, or fruits can help to ease digestive issues you are experiencing in the first trimester.


Other tips to help ease morning sickness

Small Frequent Meals

Small frequent meals are more easily digested, decrease gas and bloating, and will thus worsen your morning sickness. 

Increase Hydration

Increased water intake has so many benefits, especially during pregnancy.


Avoid Triggering Foods/Smells

You will quickly figure out which foods trigger your nausea. Food and smell aversions are very common in pregnancy.


Avoid Greasy or Spicy Foods

I already mentioned this, but these foods can trigger any stomach and are certainly not recommended during pregnancy. 


Take Prenatal Vitamin with Meal

Some women struggle to take their prenatal vitamins since some can cause nausea and sometimes vomiting. Taking your vitamins with a meal or at night can help prevent nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.


Complications of Morning Sickness in Early Pregnancy

What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum?

Hyperemesis gravidarum is an extreme version of morning sickness leading to secondary dehydration and weight loss. Women who suffer from this often require IV fluid rehydration and IV antiemetics. 


It is important to communicate with your doctor if you are constantly vomiting, unable to tolerate food and fluids, and are overall feeling very sick. 


Managing Nausea and Vomiting at Work

This topic is really tough because being pregnant and having nausea and vomiting is not a reason for many women to be able to stay out of work. We are talking weeks of nausea and vomiting which people cannot just stay home all of that time. 

first trimester vomiting

Following the tips above can help you manage nausea and vomiting due to pregnancy at work. 


This can also get tricky because you may not be ready to share your news. When I was pregnant with my son, my work knew before my family that I was pregnant. They could see it all over my face that something was up. 


I couldn’t keep my eyes open and I slipped away to the bathroom quite often. I works 12-hour night shifts in an ICU as a nurse at the time and it was the hardest couple of weeks to get through. 


My Personal Experience with First Trimester Morning Sickness

During my first pregnancy, I did not know all of my options. I didn’t do any research because I was just told: “it’s part of pregnancy”. Well, guess what! Stop telling people that! 


There are so many natural and medical ways to manage first-trimester morning sickness that there is no reason to suffer. If you have as great of OBGYNs as I always have, they will be on your side so do not be afraid to tell them you need help. 


With my second pregnancy, I knew I couldn’t just “push through” this time. I had a toddler who needed my constant attention and I couldn’t spend 8 weeks on the bathroom floor. I was also in school getting my master’s full time on top of working as a nurse (in a pandemic may I add). 


I wore sea bands, took vitamin B6, Unisom every night, and had ginger chews, Preggie pop drops, and Reglan. I needed it all and I was very glad to have that Reglan. I never experienced HG, so I, fortunately, can’t share my experience with that. 


If you had an experience with HG, please share what you did in the comments below! Help other moms-to-be out!



Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing. You are creating this beautiful soul that you will hold until the end of time. Share these must-know tips to end nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy with other struggling moms by pinning this post to Pinterest!

pregnancy nausea and vomiting


Before you get to hold that baby, you will most likely deal with some discomforts. One of those discomforts may be morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy. Don’t let it get you and nip it in the butt asap!

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