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Have you been struggling to lose that stubborn baby weight? Barely have any energy to keep your eyelids open with all the baby things that the idea of working out makes you want to cry? Don’t even have time to put a waffle in the toaster never mind a healthy baked chicken with steamed vegetables and boil quinoa?


fitness after baby


After having two babies, losing the baby weight is something I have accomplished before.


I am going to share all of my tips with you on how you can also not only lose the baby weight but eat healthy to have more energy and be a happier mama!

**I would like to state that I am not a professional in nutrition and I am not your medical doctor. Any new diet or exercise changes should be discussed with your primary care doctor first **


Clean Up Your Diet

This one might seem obvious, but most people do not know where to begin.

Lucky for some, I have done a lot of research over the years to find the best way to eat healthily and stay consistent. You can purchase my eBook called Meal Planner here! In my eBook, I show you a list of healthy foods, give you a sample 5-day meal plan, and some of my tips. You can purchase this eBook for only $15.00 $10.00!


I think that fad diets were made to make life easier and to make healthy eating easier to follow. However, they do the complete opposite. People want to follow a diet such as Whole30 or paleo and these are great. However, I personally always felt like this added a ton of stress. Is this food Whole30 approved? If I eat this, am I breaking paleo?


Too. Much. Stress!!


I have cleaned up my diet by eating whole and natural foods. My life follows an 80/20 lifestyle where I eat whole foods 80% of the time and 20% of the time I indulge (responsibly). I refuse to give up occasional treats. I am sure you are right there with me.

healthy diet


Drink More Water

This may also be an obvious tip but so many people fall short on their daily water intake.


The rule thumb for water intake is half of your body weight in ounces.


For example, if you are 160 pounds, you should be drinking (at least) 80 ounces of water.


I have always been able to drink plain water without struggling but I know that is not the case for all.


Water is obviously good for weight loss but here is an article to back that claim up!


I discuss this in my eBook, however, I actually have an AMAZING water bottle that keeps me on track with my water intake. I always get positive comments about it at work! This water bottle actually helped me immensely to stay hydrated when I was pregnant last year. Staying hydrated during pregnancy is a whole other discussion in itself and won’t go into that here.


But here is the water bottle I use to stay hydrated!

large water bottle
My son stealing my gallon water bottle as usual!


I have also used this water bottle for fruit infusion! You can check out a fruit infusion water bottle here!


Move Your Body

I cannot think of a more rewarding thing to do for your body than to move it. Exercise is a great way to lose the baby weight, get fit, strengthen your core and pelvic floor, and help you feel energized and stronger emotionally.


After the birth of my first child, I waited until I got clearance from OB to return to my workouts. I may not have been as patient and started working out 3 weeks postpartum after baby number 2.


**Please get clearance to return to your exercise routine prior to starting postpartum. Each woman is different and their postpartum journeys vary. **


Unfortunately, with both my pregnancies I had gestational diabetes. I made sure I moved my body during both pregnancies. I believe this helped to control my weight gain, therefore, making the postpartum period easier once I got there.


My favorite exercise platform, hands down, is Team Beachbody.


I would like to state that I AM NOT A BEACHBODY COACH! You will never get a Beachbody Coaching lecture from me as I have been there and done that, and I prefer to be a preferred customer.


I only recommend Team Beachbody and Beachbody On Demand because I have been using these fitness programs since the age of 14 and THEY WORK!

3 weeks postpartum; Day 1 of Beachbody workouts
9 Months Postpartum

Beachbody On Demand has hundreds of workouts divided into structured programs. There are low-impact workouts and workouts that are insane- and everything in between!


I truly believe that anyone can find something that works for their lifestyle on Beachbody On Demand, which is why I highly recommend it!


When I first hopped back into workouts, I started with Barre Blend. It is low impact, but very humbling. It is hard work without jumping and burpees. And the postpartum pelvic floor does not have time for jumping… if you know, you know!


As I became stronger, I moved on to T25. This is a 10-week program. It is always recommended to finish an entire program but I actually decided to move on. I did a few weeks of Chalean Extreme to gain some muscle and then wintertime hit. However, I lost my motivation to get up early and work out. With a bubbly 4-month-old that needed my full attention and a 2-year-old that was jumping all over the couch, I was crashing.


I needed a quick workout which I found with an early access pass to Job1! It is highly recommend it when it comes to BBOD.


I could go on and on about Beachbody programs, but ill spare you!


My point is to move your body, build muscle, and gain energy and confidence in your new mom body!



weight loss

The trifecta of weight loss and improved mental health, in my opinion, is a healthy diet, adequate hydration, and exercise.

If you commit to healthier meal choices and daily exercise, you too can lose the baby weight. I wish you luck with your new health journey!

Keep pushing on, mama!

Before you go- grab your FREE weight loss tracker to get you started on your goals!



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