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Enjoying motherhood one sunset at a time!

Welcome to my blog where you can find a variety of tips and tricks to help you navigate life! I have multiple passions including budgeting tips and saving money.

I also hope to share my knowledge and love for fitness and healthy eating! You may also find articles on meal and snack ideas for children, toddlers, and babies, home organization ideas, and even gift ideas!

I am a mom of two children under 3! I am a working mom! And when I am not working in my career, I am working at home (huge shoutout to the stay-at-home mamas out there!)

Prior to getting into the Master’s level of my career, I worked very little and spent most of my time raising my son! I know what it is like to have a million responsibilities on top of parenting!

I hope to be able to help and ease some of the stresses in life such as balancing home/work life, budgeting tips, and home organization!

Feel free to contact me via email with questions or ideas you may have!

See you on my page!




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