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Prenatal vitamins are a requirement for a healthy pregnancy. With just the right vitamins and supplements and a healthy diet, you will provide your baby with all their essential nutrients while supporting your own physical health.

But with so many options, it can be difficult to find the best prenatal vitamins and know which ones to choose. Find here the four best prenatal vitamins and what they have to offer mums-to-be.

best prenatal vitamins for healthy pregnancy

What are the benefits of prenatal vitamins?

There are many benefits to taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, prenatal vitamins help to ensure that a pregnant woman gets the nutrients she needs. 


Your prenatal vitamins should contain folic acid. Folic acid is important for pregnant women because it helps to prevent birth defects of the brain and spine.


A common disorder linked to low levels of folic acid is spina bifida. It is recommended that all pregnant women take a prenatal vitamin that contains 600 micrograms of folic acid.

prenatal vitamins

Prenatal vitamins also contain other important nutrients, such as iron and calcium. These nutrients are important for the development of the baby. Iron is important for the formation of red blood cells, and calcium helps to build strong bones and teeth.


Overall, taking prenatal vitamins is a good way to ensure a healthy pregnancy. They help to provide the nutrients needed for a developing baby.


What should your prenatal vitamins contain?

Prenatal vitamins are an important part of a healthy pregnancy. They help to ensure that you and your baby get the nutrients you need.


1. Calcium

Calcium is required for the growth of strong bones and teeth. You can consume calcium through your diet such as milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines, and dark green leafy vegetables.

You should aim for 1,000mg of calcium a day!


2. Iron

Iron is crucial for red blood cells to carry oxygen to your baby. There is iron in lean red meat, poultry, fish, beans and peas, and cereals that are iron-fortified.

You should try to get 27mg a day!


3. Iodine and Choline

Both are essential for the development of the brain and spinal cord of your baby. You can get iodine through table salts, dairy products, seafood, meat, and eggs.

You should aim for 220 mcg of iodine daily. 


Choline can be found in milk, beef liver, eggs, peanuts, and soy products.

Try to get 450mg of choline a day. 


4. Vitamin A

This vitamin is needed to form healthy skin, good vision, and healthy bone growth. This can be found in carrots, green leafy vegetables, and sweet potatoes.

Get 770 mcg a day!


5. Vitamin C

Immunity is built from vitamin c but also can help with healthy gums, teeth, and bones. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruit, broccoli, tomatoes, and strawberries. 

Get 85mg a day!


6. Vitamin D

Important for the development of your baby’s bones, teeth, eyesight, and skin. Can be found in fortified milk, fatty fish, and of course the sunlight!

Take in 600IUs a day and get some sunlight. 


7. Vitamin B6 and B12

Best for the development of red blood cells and helps the body use protein, fat, and carbs. Vitamin B12 is necessary for maintaining a healthy nervous system. Can be found in beef, liver, pork, ham, bananas, and whole-grain cereals.

1.9mg is the recommended daily dose!


8. Folic Acid

I already mentioned folic acid and that is because of how important it is for the healthy development of a baby. Help prevent birth defects of the brain and spine as well as support the general growth and development of your baby and placenta.

You can take in folic acid through fortified cereal, enriched bread and pasta, peanuts, and dark leafy vegetables. This will also be in your prenatal vitamin!

Aim for a total of 600mcg of folic acid a day!


Should I go for gummy prenatal vitamins?

There are a few things to consider when choosing prenatal vitamins. One is whether or not to go for gummy vitamins.

Gummy vitamins may be more convenient, but they may not be as effective as capsules or tablets. This is because the body may not absorb all of the nutrients from gummies as it does from other forms of vitamins.

prenatal vitamins

Another thing to consider is what kind of nutrients you need. All pregnant women need folic acid, but you may also need specific vitamins or minerals depending on your health history or diet. Talk to your doctor about what kind of prenatal vitamin is best for you.


On the flip side, so many pregnant women struggle to take their prenatal vitamins due to nausea or first trimester morning sickness. 


Read more: Beat Morning Sickness in the First Trimester of Pregnancy


If sticking with a gummy prenatal vitamin is the way you are going to get your folic acid and other vitamins, then who cares if they are gummy or not?


The one downside to gummy vitamins is the lack of iron. Gummy vitamins do not contain iron because of the consistency of a gummy.


One way to counteract this is to incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet. These include dark green leafy vegetables, red meat, dried fruits like raisins, beans, some seafood, and iron-fortified cereal, bread, and pasta. 


Best prenatal vitamins of 2022 for a Healthy Pregnancy

As a pregnant woman, you need to make sure that you are getting all of the nutrients that you and your baby need. Taking a prenatal vitamin is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the nutrition you need.

There are many different prenatal vitamins on the market, so it can be tricky to know which one is the best for you. Here is a list of the best prenatal vitamins of 2022:

best prenatal vitamins for healthy pregnancy

Best Prenatal Vitamins with a Subscription

Subscriptions are great when you are going to be buying something routinely for a longer period of time (a.k.a. 9 months, right?!). There is often a discount when signing up for a subscription, which is a bonus!

1. Ritual Prenatal Vitamins 

2. Take Care of Prenatal Vitamins 

3. Hum Nutrition Prenatal Vitamins

Best Prenatal Vitamins on a Budget

I am all about family budgeting. With inflation the way it has been, budget-friendly prenatal vitamins are a great way to go and still very effective in helping you grow a healthy baby. 

4. Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin

5. One-A-Day Prenatal Vitamins

6. Enfamom Prenatal Vitamins

Best Prenatal Vitamins for Vegetarians

Just because you follow a vegetarian lifestyle, does not mean you have to bend your daily routines for vitamins. 

7. Rainbow Light Prenatal One 

8. Pink Stork Total Prenatal Vitamins plus DHA

9. Vitamin Code Prenatal Vitamin

10. Garden of Life Organic Prenatal Vitamins

11. Mary Ruth’s Vegan Prenatal Vitamins Plus Probiotic

Best Gummy Prenatal Vitamins 

Let’s just be real, gummy vitamins are an amazing addition to our supplement shelves! When you just cannot swallow that capsule or tablet due to nausea, these are a great substitute to acheive your daily vitamin needs. 

12. Smarty Pants Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

13. Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

14. Enfamom Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

15. Olly Gummy Prenatal Vitamins Extra Strength with Folic Acid and DHA

16. Lifeable Prenatal Vegetarian Gummy Vitamin


Best Prenatal Vitamins with Iron

Iron is so important for preventing anemia during pregnancy. Your baby will take all of you, including your blood!

17. Mommy’s Bliss Prenatal Vitamin with Iron

18. GNC Women’s Prenatal Multivitamin with Iron

Best Organic Prenatal Vitamins

Do you follow a very organic lifestyle? There are plenty of organic options for prenatal vitamins to choose from, but here are just a few!

19. New Chapter Advanced Perfect Prenatal Vitamins (Organic)

20. Garden of Life mykind Prenatal Vitamin

21. Mama Bird Prenatal Vitamin with Organic and Whole Food Blend


Best Liquid Prenatal Vitamins


There is research that liquid vitamins are absorbed better and faster. It may even be easier to take when nausea hits you the hardest.

22. Pink Stork Liquid Prenatal Vitamin 

23. Mary Ruth’s Liquid Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamins

Other Dietary Supplements and Vitamins Safe During Pregnancy

1. DHA

If your prenatal vitamin does not already contain DHA, this is a supplement to look into. DHA, or Docosahexaenoic acid, is important for the development of your baby’s brain and eyes (retina). If you do not feel like taking another supplement like Nordic Naturals Prenatal DHA Supplement, look into a prenatal vitamin with DHA. 


2. Ginger

In the first trimester, you may experience first trimester morning sickness. Ginger can help a lot to ease this terrible feeling. 


3. Iron

If you chose the gummy vitamin, you will need to take an additional iron supplement. If you are sensitive to iron, which can cause constipation, consider a slow-release iron supplement. Aim for at least 27mg of iron daily.


4. B Vitamins

Vitamin B6 is another essential vitamin to ease morning sickness. You may want to take this in the first trimester to prevent or help ease that!


5. Probiotics

Probiotics are an amazing way to keep a well-balanced gut! Pregnancy can lead to many GI issues such as constipation, reflux, nausea, and vomiting. Probiotics can only help to prevent these things!


Related Article: Beat Morning Sickness in the First Trimester of Pregnancy


Tips from a Healthcare Provider

When should I start prenatal vitamins?

There really is no such thing as too early to start taking a prenatal vitamin. But if you want advice from a GYN Nurse Practitioner, start taking your prenatal vitamins three months before trying to conceive. This allows for the maximum benefit of folic acid to be active as you conceive your baby. 


What is the best time of day to take prenatal vitamins?

Take the prenatal vitamin that works best for you. If you are not going to remember to take one tablet three times a day, then do a once-a-day vitamin! 


What are the side effects of prenatal vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins may cause nausea. I recommend taking them with food or at night right before bed. 


If your prenatal vitamin contains iron and you are experiencing constipation, consider switching vitamins to one without iron and take a slow-release iron tablet. You could also take Miralax for occasional constipation.


Do prenatal vitamins replace a well-balanced diet?

No! Continue to aim for a well-balanced diet high in vitamins and nutrients despite taking vitamins. The reason we recommend a daily prenatal vitamin is because your baby is taking all of the vitamins and nutrients you consume from you. These are both very important for your daily health as well as your baby’s!


What happens if I forgot to take my prenatal vitamin?

If you forgot to take your prenatal yesterday, do not stress! Once in a while is no big deal, especially when you are consuming that well-balanced diet I mentioned. 


If you find that you continue to miss your prenatal vitamin, put a reminder on your phone or switch to an easy-to-remember way to take it such as gummy prenatal vitamins!

best prenatal vitamins for healthy pregnancy


Prenatal vitamins are the key to a healthy pregnancy. Nutritionists and healthcare professionals around the world will promote the benefits of prenatal vitamins and a well-balanced diet.

Babies do require a lot and their ‘neediness’ starts pretty early!






A Working Moms Life

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