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This blog is to help new moms find the best baby items for sleep to make the first months easier!


baby nursery


I have been through the newborn phase twice now and let me just say that no two babies are the same. What my firstborn liked my secondborn did not. With this being said, I am going to discuss the baby items for sleep that made my life easier.


“Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off disease. Without sleep, the brain cannot function properly.”


There are so many baby products out there, and if you are a new mom-to-be, you may not even know where to start!


Follow this organized guide to help you organize your baby registry!


Baby Registry

Speaking of a baby registry- there are many ways to go about your registry. You can do an all-in-one baby registry through Baby List! When you put an item on your registry through Baby List, it allows you to buy from multiple locations and helps to find the best price.

baby registry

Other options for baby registries include Target and Amazon- which I always think are great! They have free baby items for completing your registry and give you discounts on items when you purchase them from your own registry!


I even made a baby registry before the birth of our second child. I did this, not because I expected anyone to buy me gifts for a second baby, but because it helped me organize what I needed for her, and I got a discount for buying these items.



Why Sleep is Important 

I really cannot stress this enough- if you can get more than 2-3 hours at once at night when you have a newborn- then get it!

importance of sleep

“Sleep is an essential function that allows the body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up”

Baby Items For Sleep

Halo SleepSack– My son loved this sleep sack. It allowed him to feel secure but also be able to move around.

sleep sack

Nested Bean Sleep Sack– My daughter did not like the Halo SleepSack, so we did some research on other sleep sacks that did not cost $100+ for something she would quickly outgrow. When we found this one, I figured I would try it out based on many 5-star reviews! Don’t worry about the “weighted” sack, it is the same feeling as having our hand laid on our baby’s back. I actually brought it to my pediatrician to make sure it was okay to use and I got the okay!

sleep sack

Hatch Sound Machine– Both of my kids have their own Hatch. I have even considered getting one for our bedroom too! The Hatch has multiple sounds and lighting options. It can be controlled from an app which is nice. You can turn it on from downstairs before you even get up with your baby.


Baby Shusher– This did not help my daughter but helped my son every single night during his newborn days. When I was a new mom with a newborn, I was willing to try anything and everything. I would also attach it to the stroller when we went on walks to keep him sleeping.

sleep shusher

Portable nightlight– The Hatch is great for at home, but I found this super cute Hatch look-a-like. It does not make a sound but found this to be great when our baby was sleeping in the pack and play or bassinette.

night light

Portable Sound Machine– I found this very discounted on Amazon and thought it probably would not be great for the price. I was VERY wrong! This comes with us everywhere. We use it if our baby slept in the pack and play, or if we need it in the car or stroller. Highly recommend some sort of portable sound machine.

owl sound machine

Halo Bassinet– I really think any bassinet would work for your newborn, but this is the one we used. It swivels, so it gave me easy access to pull the baby close to the bedside if he or she were crying.


Crib 4-in-1– We chose the 4-in-1 cribs for both of our children. I am pretty sure all of the crib companies have these by now. We have both a Delta Children’s and a Graco one and both are amazing. As our babies grow, it turns from crib to toddler bed with rail, to bed without toddler rail, to full-sized bed. You really never have to buy another bed for your baby again!

graco crib

Sheets/Mattress Protector– This seems obvious that you would need some sort of sheet on your child’s crib mattress, but I HIGHLY recommend a crib mattress protector! From the middle of the night diaper leaks to a vomit-covered crib (we have seen it all), it will save you from scrubbing a mattress at 2 am!

sealy crib protector

Glider Rocking Chair– This is one I highly recommend throwing on your registry. Even if you do not get it at your shower, you can get a discount on it for it being on your registry! To this day, my almost 3-year-old asks to rock sometimes! I will never deny baby snuggles (or toddler snuggles), they grow so fast!

rocking chair

Moonybaby Baby Monitor– We originally started with a Baby Optics baby monitor with my firstborn.  It broke :/ With that being said, when we were expecting our second baby, we needed a new monitor with a split-screen anyways. We went with the Moonybaby brand and have had no issues. The camera quality is great and the battery lasts forever.

moonybaby monitor

Baby Pajamas– I highly recommend zipper pajamas versus the button-up ones. Everyone may not agree but there is nothing like trying to match up the buttons at 2 AM in the dark!

Many companies now design their pajamas to have the zipper at the bottom and zip upwards. This was genius for whoever designed that!

One thing that worked really well with my daughter is to KEEP THE SOCKS ON!! Leave your baby’s socks on under their pajamas. I am not sure how that helps but it did.



I hope you found some of these items helpful!

Don’t forget to add baby items to a registry to help organize the items you need. This also helps the family know what you still need if they wish to get gifts for the baby. The BONUS is the discount you get from registries!

Enjoy the journey to parenthood!



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