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Welcome to This New Mom, where I hope to help all moms, new and veteran, with the daily obstacles of being mom. 

Being a mom has been the greatest adventure my life has ever offered me. I am married, have two beautiful children and one on the way. I have a son and a daughter so my experience with both sides of the crazy is there. I continue to learn how to “mom” every day with each new obstacle. 

When I am not being mom,  I am working full time in the medical career. I have a family and GYN background and utilize both my parenting and educational experience to navigate motherhood. I love sharing what I know and helping with some of the challenge of motherhood for new moms. 

I also have a passion for fitness and nutrition (even through pregnancy- which I would love to write more about). 

This blog has helped me learn, grow, and help all of the moms who have the same questions I once had. 

I am always open to discuss what had worked for you and what you want to know more about!

With love, 



Sharing is caring!